Season recipe - Brussels sprouts Pasta

 In our series its all about cooking and baking, guest writer Tanja from mein Ideenreich introduces a new SoSUE seasonal recipe every month. Look forward to delicacies from your private cookbook and let yourself be inspired. Good Appetite!


Brussels Sprouts Pasta

Starting in October, the Brussels sproudts are back. It is full of vitamins!
With 100g brussels sprouts, we can already cover our daily requirement of vitamin C.
It contains a lot of B-vitamin and folic acid, which plays a major role in cell renewal and blood formation.
There is also a lot of potassium and zinc in it. Brussels sprouts are fresh when their heads are still tightly closed.
When kept cool in the vegetable compartment, it lasts 4-5 days.

 Foto: @mein_ideenreich

Brussels Sprouts Pasta
When I was a child I did not like Brussels sprouts because it tasted too bitter for me.
The new varieties have meanwhile much less bitter substances.
My son was not a big fan of this cabbage for a long time either, but since.
he tried it with pasta, he literally plunges into this dish.
I only get positive feedback on my recipe. Whether large or small, young or old, the sprouts taste good for everyone.

750g Brussels sprouts
500 g Spaghett
40g Vegetable Bouillon Paste 

2 Cloves of fresh garlic 

A pinch of chili or pepper 

Foto: @mein_ideenreich


1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package.
2. While the pasta is cooking, wash and dry the Brussels sprouts.
3. Cut off the stalk generously. This will cause the wilted leaves to fall down by themselves. If not, pluck off the remaining leaves.
4. Now cut the Brussels sprouts into quarters (this is necessary so that they are cooked quickly and evenly).


5. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices.
6.Pput some olive oil in a pan, add the Brussels sprouts and the garlic and fry at medium heat for about 5 minutes. If you like, you can season with a pinch of chili. Continuously stir the Brussels sprouts again and again.
7. Skim off a small cup of the pasta water and deglaze the Brussels sprouts with it.

8. Stir in the vegetable bouillon paste until it dissolves.

9. Fold in the cooked pasta and serve.

Foto: @mein_ideenreich

Buon Appetit! 

About the author:

There is something that connects us all: Food. It can mean so much: conviviality, pleasure, conversation, home, homeland, distance, romance, etc. Everyone associates something with a certain dish, e.g. a trip, a person, or a childhood memory, etc.

Food also determines our health and appearance. You are what you eat. That's why as a mother I pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. Especially today it is not always easy - despite the diversity - to eat properly, because we all lack time. That's why I (myself working) always try to create recipes that are healthy, simple, tasty and fast. On weekends or for guests it can be a bit more expensive. And of course sweet sins are also on my menu.

I am Tanja, over40, mother to one boy, married and born in Munich.

Check out and enjoy my Blog in German or find me on Instagram @meinideenreich


Tanja von mein Ideenreich



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