Recipe of the month - green breakfast bowl

In our series all about cooking and baking, guest author Bettina from @besch_food introduces you to a new SoSUE seasonal recipe every month. Look forward to tasty treats from her private cookbook and get inspired. Bon appetit!

Full of best intentions we start into a new year. The darkest nights are already behind us, the cookie stocks have been eaten, the Christmas decorations are gradually disappearing into the boxes and cartons...
After so much feasting, we now feel like cleaneating. Vegetables, preferably raw, full of healthy nutrients.

My green breakfast bowl is full of them. Avocados provide us with unsaturated fatty acids, potassium (good for our nerves and heart), folic acid and vitamins. Because of their high fat content, they help us absorb fat-soluble vitamins better.
Spinach is one of the low-calorie vegetables, is full of phytochemicals, has an antioxidant effect and provides us with vitamin C and beta-carotene, among others.
Cucumber, also like spinach, consists mainly of water and is a real moisture booster for our skin and is also low in calories. Most of the vitamins are in the peel, so please be sure to look for organic quality! Then the peel can be used as well. One apple a day keeps the doctor away.... Who does not know this sentence! Here the apple supplies us not only fruit sweetness but also pectin, which can lower the cholesterol level. Vitamins are also in the skin. So also here organic buy and not peel.
Banana provides us with quick energy due to its fructose content. Perfect to start the day. Potassium strengthens our heart. Magnesium not only increases our performance but is also involved in our muscle building, among other things.
Last but not least, lemon juice. Full of vitamin C, it strengthens our immune system and helps to better absorb iron (spinach).
A true health booster. Just what we need right now. Take care of yourselves and your ankles!

Foto @besch_food

for approx. 2 persons

1 frozen banana peeled
1 half apple
1 small garden cucumber
juice of half a lemon (plus some water)
a good handful of fresh spinach (approx. 100-150g)
1 ripe avocado

for the topping
a handful of blueberries
apple slices
almond paste
cocoa nibs
muesli flakes (unsweetened)

Place all ingredients (cut solid ingredients into pieces) in a high-powered blender and blend until creamy. This will take about one minute.
Spread almond paste, cacao nibs,granola flakes and fruit on the bowl to taste.

Do not forget: Always spoon nice and slow. Digestion and the breakdown of the important nutrients begins in the mouth.

stay healthy!

Foto @besch_food

Über den Autor:

Darf ich mich vorstellen? 
Ich heiße Bettina und koche seit ich denken kann mit Leidenschaft. Ursprünglich habe ich Architektur studiert und längere Jahre als Architektur Fotografin gearbeitet. Ich bin 55, habe 4 Kinder großgezogen und lebe mit Mann, Hund und jüngstem Kind in München. Omi bin ich auch schon. 
Letztes Jahr habe ich eine einjährige Ausbildung zur Ernährungsberaterin und als Achtsamkeitscoach absolviert. Gesundes Essen und eine glückliche Seele bilden die Grundlage für ein gesundes Leben, daher versuche ich all mein Wissen in gesunde und köstliche Gerichte umzusetzen. 

Seit ein paar Jahren veranstalte ich Kochreisen nach Marrakesch. Leider macht Corona uns im Moment einen Strich durch die Rechnung. 

Ich darf euch ab jetzt jeden Monat ein Rezept vorschlagen. Hauptsächlich vegetarisch und immer saisonal. Schnell soll es gehen und dabei lecker. Versprochen!

Schaut auch gerne mal bei Bettina auf Instagram vorbei: @besch_food


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